Listen and you will hear the music of nature as the many varieties of birds in the Swan Hill region serenade you.
Whether you're keen to spot a Wedge-Tailed Eagle, Regent Parrot or Crested Cockatoo, the Murray River is simply a top destination for either the serious or those who just want to relax and dabble in a bit of bird watching. The Swan Hill region, with over 500km of river frontage, is renowned for its natural beauty, diversity and most importantly, serenity. Our region's rivers, lakes and natural habitats attract a wonderful and spectacular array of birdlife from all over the world. This diversity is apparent in our wonderful wetlands – attracting birds such as Musk and Freckled (rare) Duck and Australasian Shovelers – and in the tall river red gums; home to frolicking Major Mitchell Cockatoos and Australian Galahs. Key sites for bird watching in our region include Lake Boga, which encompasses Round Lake and the Tresco West Nature Reserve. Along the Murray River there are also some good spots for observing bird life in and between the Nyah-Vinifera Park. Some of the birds you will see include Major Mitchell Cockatoo, Mulga Parrot, Blue Bonnet, Regent Parrot, splendid Fairy-Wren, Chestnut Quail-Thrush, Gilbert’s Whistler, Redthroat, Yellow-Plumed and Purple-Gaped Honeyeater, shy Heathwren, Hooded Robin, great Crested Grebe, and Blue-Billed duck among others. So why not escape today’s fast-paced and hectic world and reconnect with nature in its purest form with the sounds and sights of our amazing birdlife – all in the heart of the Murray.
Lake Boga